When a couple gets married, a time comes when they wish to plan a family. No doubt, it is a huge step and involves a lot of planning as far as the expenses are concerned. However, in the present scenario, conceiving a child is a matter of great concern. 10 percent of the couples have trouble when they are trying to conceive. Where the couples have trouble in conceiving, 30 percent of the cases are where the problem lies with the women and the same percentage goes for the men. The leftover percent is divided between problems and some unexplained issues between both the man and woman in the equation. Reasons for infertility in women are as follows-
Ovulation Problems
Polycystic ovarian syndrome
Blocked Fallopian tubes
Sperm allergy
Unexplained fertility problems
Combination fertility problems
Endometrioses It is due to the abnormal growth of tissues in the uterus and in ovaries etc.. They dislodge and implant at other locations on their own. This makes fertilization weak.
Problems with the Menses : Infertility may be suggested by irregular periods. This is true especially if you had regular periods in the past but the same has got changed in the present times. If someone does not have a period ever, then she is unlikely to conceive as she is probably not ovulating. There are many reasons behind this. A sustained crash diet when you are overweight and being underweight too can cause periods to cease.
PCOD : The health issues that are related to the womb such as uterine fibroids or the Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) are also common reasons for infertility in women. It affects the changes in the hypothalamus, pituitary glands and ovaries and the female body starts producing too much male hormones. This affects ovulation directly. If these conditions are treated effectively, then the fertility of women is usually restored.
Abnormal LH and FSH secretion : LH (Luteinizing Hormone) and FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) are the two hormones that bring the monthly periods regularly. If a woman is overweight or underweight, abnormalities in these hormones may occur. If one loses too much weight or gains too much weight quickly, then problems may occur. Luteal Phase Defect When the ovaries are unable to produce enough progesterone, then the luteal phase defect is brought about. Progesterone plays a vital role in the preparation of the uterine wall lining of a fertilized egg.
Premature Ovarian failure : When the body actively attacks the ovarian tissue by an autoimmune response, the premature ovarian failure is brought about. These mistaken attacks may lead to loss of ovaries completely and thus, decrease in the estrogen production.
Cervical Narrowing or Blockage of the Cervix : When damage to the cervix is caused it can lead to tightening of the opening of the cervix (mouth of the uterus.), it is known as Cervical Stenosis. The cervix fails to produce good quality mucus to transport the sperm and hence, improper fertilization.
Blockage of tubes : The Fallopian tubes transport eggs to the womb from the ovaries. If they are blocked because of any reason like infection then the egg cannot be transferred.
Drug Abuse : Fertility can also get affected by drug abuse. Heavy intake of marijuana or cocaine affects the fertility in both men and women. Smoking is also known to diminish the fertility in women. In order to conceive, improve your health and the health of your potential children, stop smoking. It is possibly one of the best things that you can do.
If you have some serious or chronic health condition including cancer or diabetes, the fertility gets reduced. Certain treatments and medications also have effect on the fertility on both sexes.
Irreversible problem may occur if radiotherapy for cancer is given near the reproductive organs. Sexually transmitted diseases such as Chlamydia and gonorrhea can inflame the reproductive system. By treating the disease, the problem of infertility is usually resolved.
Many problems related to infertility do not cause any symptoms.so it becomes essential that you get tested for these diseases if you wish to rule them out as possible reasons for infertility.
If you do not conceive within one year of trying without using any contraceptives then you should visit your specialist doctor. The doctor will take your detailed history, examine you and do basic tests for you and your partner. If you follow the right treatment and get good guidance then there are bright chances for your conception.
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